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  • I want to be a Fashion Designer

    These were Nalukwago’s words during a Fashion Show event organized by DARLIA Skills Training Center, in Mukono district.  Nalukwago is a story of determined perseverance. Orphaned at a very young age, her paternal grandmother took her on, providing her the very best care, love and nourishment in Kamuwanula, a remote

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  • Graduation

    BUILDING DEAF RESILIENCE THROUGH EDUCATION “Education is the most powerful tool which you can use to change the World” Nelson Mandela. Those words echo loud with our long journey in contributing to the education of young deaf people in Uganda. On 19 January 2024, Deaf Link Uganda (DLU) staff and

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  • Livelihoods

    Parents Business Groups (PBG) Working with families of the deaf in rural communities in DLU-Eastern (Ngora & Kumi districts), DLU is transforming livelihoods of the deaf, disabled children and those living in poverty – by providing income generating avenues through home-based economic projects. In its 5th Round this year, PBG

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